Monday, June 25, 2007

Royal Air Force Museum London

In order to avoid another boring weekend, Matt and I decided to visit the Royal Air Force Museum in London. It is difficult for us to get out and do things b/c everything is so expensive here, but thankfully the RAF Museum is free (something we need to take more advantage of in the states too). After spending two hours at the site we realized that we would not finish touring everything that day and would need to return. There is just so much to see and read. We stayed for another hour and a half and then headed home, looking forward to our next visit. Matt just loved looking at all of the aircraft and learning about the history of flight. Unfortunately most of the pictures didn't turn out quite as well as we'd hoped, but good enough for a memento of the day. (Now maybe he will buy me the fancy digital camera. Hehe.) See our photos in the Web Album on the left.
The Royal Air Force Museum London is Britain's only national museum dedicated fully to aviation. From a total collection of well over two hundred aircraft, over a hundred full-size aircraft (including the legendary Spitfire and Lancaster Bomber) from all over the world as well as artefacts, aviation memoribilia, fine art and photographs are displayed under cover on the historic site of the original London Aerodrome.
Also this weekend we decided to take in a movie. This is our second one since being in the U.K. and we still aren't used to the sticker shock - a movie ticket cost 7.00 GBP per person, which is 14.00 USD! Unfortunately there are no matinee discounts. We keep saying that we have to stop thinking about prices in US terms or we will never do anything. Matt wanted to see the new Ocean's 13 movie. It was funny, intriguing and suspenseful, as expected. At the moment you think you have it figured out, something happens to prove you wrong. We highly recommend this movie.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our First Visitors!

*More pictures of these adventures can be found using the "WEB ALBUM" link on the left side of this page.*

Picture 1: Marie & Bob @ Southend-on-Sea

Picture 2: Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (Merchant of Venice performance)

Picture 3: Amber & Matt (Us) @ Stonehenge

Picture 4: Roman Bath in Bath, England

Picture 5: Amber & Quinn with Darth Vader

Okay, our guests have been gone for a week now so I shouldn't have any more excuses of why I haven't updated our blog lately. I was waiting until the end of their visit so that I could update everyone on all that we did. It was very exciting to have Matt's cousins (Marie, husband Bob, and son Quinn) be our first guests. We haven't seen them in a long time, but knew that they were very adventurous so we would have an exciting time. They are perfect guests in that they don't expect much from their hosts. They kept themselves busy each day heading into London, made their own meals, etc. What was exciting for us was hearing their daily stories and also being able to join them on a few excursions, not to mention tasting all of the new beer and cookies they brough home!

I could write a short book about all of the things we did while they were here, but I'll try to save you most of that. The highlights for me were a play at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, the Star Wars Exhibition (how lucky we were that it was happening this year), and the trips out to Bath and Stonehenge. Most of you probably didn't know that I was a Star Wars fan, but I am very intrigued by the story of all the characters in the saga - not so much the light saber fights and flying vehicles. However, I'm not a big sci-fi fan in general just of SW. (Matt doesn't share the love, though.) Anyway, I could talk days about all of that. The Star Wars Exhibition is in town until September and the first-ever Star Wars Celebration Europe will be held in London in mid-July to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the release of Star Wars. Unfortunately that coincides with my high school reunion. Wish I could be in two places at once! The play we went to see in the Globe was Merchant of Venice, one of Shakespeare's comedies. It was great! One of the surprising things that coincided with their visit was a Monster Truck Show! Can you believe it? Granted, we are living in a small town (not central London) and it was held at a local farm, but still very interesting. Of course we had to go and check it out. It wasn't the best/biggest we've been to but entertaining enough to say we did it. Haha! Please check out our web albums for more pictures of from our visit. Stay tuned for my next update...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ugh! Computers!

So, this past weekend Matt and I went to Wimbledon and to the British Museum which were both great trips. I took lots of wonderful pictures that I was hoping to share with everyone soon. Well, I went to import the photos from my digital camera and that is where it went downhill. I got a new laptop before moving out here and it came with new software. I am not familiar with Roxio but have been using it for my media stuff since it is the "default" software for that stuff. At some point in the process I thought it was importing something incorrectly and hit cancel. Instead of basically stopping everything in its tracks and allowing you to start over, it deleted my photos from my camera's memory card and from the import folder!!! There was some other weird stuff about what few pictures it did actually transfer but that is too complicated to explain. It is late here and I am just so aggravated with it that my thoughts are running together. I just can't believe I lost all of those pictures!!! I'm sure you've all experienced something similar, where the computer does something "wrong" and it ruined something for you. (Insert curse words here!)

Good night everyone!